We've Cleaned over 1,000,000 SQ FT of Carpets & Rugs
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How Do The Specialists Clean Your Rug?

We here at The Rug Specialists are all about cleaning your rugs properly, thoroughly and sanitized. But what does that exactly mean? Here is a look at how we do things.

Step 1: Consultation

We will meet with you and inspect your rug. Using all the information gathered in our conversation, we will determine the best cleaning method. In this consultation, it is of the utmost importance to be as forthcoming about any stains or spills and what you have used to treat them. This is important so we can treat your beautiful Oriental rug accordingly.

Step 2: Dusting Your Rug

Because rugs are design to hide dirt by nature, we need to get that dry soil out. Dry soil is not good for your rug as it can cut the fibers of the rug, causing a frizzy appearance. We will dust both sides of the rug for the best results.

Step 3: Precondition Treatment

Using the plan developed in our consultation, we pre-treat your rug accordingly to ensure the best results.

Step 4: Spot and Fringe Prep

We treat your fringe and any particularly tricky spots on the rug.

Step 5: Shampoo

Using the ideal shampooing and disinfectant treatment, we thoroughly clean and sanitize your rug. By doing a thorough and deep cleaning it will clean all the way to the warp and weft (the foundation of your rug) of the rug.

Step 6: Rinse

Removing all the dirt and soap from your rug carefully.

Step 7: Dry

We use proper drying techniques to ensure the beauty and health of your rug.

Step 8: Finish and Inspection

We groom your rug for an even appearance. Then it gets the final inspection. If it isn’t up to our standards, we will re wash the rug.

Did you know we sell rug padding? This product helps keep your rugs in great shape. It helps slow the accumulation of dirt and will help prevent the small abrasions that it can leave on your hardwood floors. A good rug pad can also help with sound absorption as well as spills. Check out our selection here. We also offer our spot cleaner as well to help with those in between cleaning spills.

From Davis to El Dorado Hills and all points in between we are here to help you keep your home and rugs beautiful.

Read What Our Customers Say

Awesome job! Great customer service. Quality, honest work. Love the non-toxic cleaning materials. Thanks James!

Whitney R.

Sacramento, CA

Wow, I just got my carpet cleaned by The Specialists and they were absolutely outstanding. I had a long-standing dog urine issue that I had tried to resolve...

Kate H.

West Sacramento, CA

I don’t let just let anybody into my home but I trust the Specialists and had my carpet cleaned when I was in delivery.

Alisha F.

Roseville, CA
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